The Anti Defamation League: Britain’s Zionist Gestapo How this London policy instrument operates against both Jews and Gentiles

The Anti Defamation League:  Britain’s Zionist Gestapo How this London policy instrument operates against both Jews and Gentiles

Throughout its long and sordid history, the Zionist Lobby's American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (the JDC or "The Joint") and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith have done m ore willful damage to the Jewish community than any previous intelligence operation. With tihe exception of Adolf Hitler, who was largely the Frankenstein creation of the Rothschild and Warburg Jewish banking interests centered in the City of London, the JDC and ADL (respectively, the Zionist Lobby's foreign and domestic G estapo) are the worst chambers of horrors within the British aristocracy's private intelligence mansion.

Under the command of the British oligarchy, the Zionist Gestapo is now fully deployed to wreck the potential in Europe and the United States to forge a humanist "Grand Design" to unite the nations of the world around a program of global economic progress and technological development. As the heads of state of the world's leading industrialized nations meet in Bonn to secure an agreement to realize that potential - with or without Great Britain - the Zionist Lobby is holding the world hostage to the blackmail threat of thermonuclear holocaust that could be triggered by their insane allies in Israel.

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