Sources & Methods
Investigative Journalism
- (The Octopus of Global Control) Charlie Robinson
- Aaron Maté
- Addy Adds
- Alex Berenson
- Alison McDowell - Synthetic Pretenders Series
- Allen Green (BardCode)
- ANC Report
- Andy Ngo
- Anti-Empire
- Anton Chaitkin's Substack
- Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Art of Liberty (Etienne de la Boetie²)
- Bad Archaeology: exposing frauds, misconceptions and distortions
- Bill Taylor (D-State Analytics)
- Bill Taylor (D-State News)
- Borderhawk News
- Brendon O'Connell
- Bullet Proof Publications
- Bulletproof Publishers
- California Globe
- Capitol Sheila
- Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari Report)
- Cathy O’Brien
- Center For Immigration Studies
- Chip Tatum
- Clarity Press
- Conspiracy Archive
- Corey's Digs
- Daniel Hopsicker
- Daniel Liszt (Dark Journalist)
- David Cranmer Underdown
- David Icke
- Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (Bulgarian & Middle East)
- Doc Kek 🐸
- Doug Valentine
- Dr. Paul Cottrell
- Eric J. Hecker (Deciphering TV)
- Espionage History Archive
- F. William Engdahl
- Firefighters for 9.11 Truth
- Fletcher Prouty Organization
- Geopolitics and Empire
- George Webb
- Global Research
- Greg Reece
- Harry the Greek
- Herding Humanity
- Hidden History Center
- Iain Davis (In This Together)
- If Americans Knew (Israel/Palestine)
- Illuminati Info
- Illuminati Rex
- Institute for Historical Review
- Jack Cashill
- James Corbett (Corbett Report)
- James Roguski
- Jason Bermas
- Jay's Analysis (Jay Dyer)
- Jeremy Hammond
- Jessica Hockett (Emma Woodhouse)
- John Beaudoin (Coquin de Chien)
- John O'Loughlin (McDuff)
- Johnny Vedmore
- Jonathan Couey (Gigaohm Biological)
- Kevin Cole (Unity of the Polis)
- Lauren Southern
- Lies Are Unbecoming
- Logos Media
- Mark Kulacz (Housatonic ITS)
- Mark Kulacz (Housatonic Substack)
- Mark Skidmore (Lighthouse Economics)
- Mary Ferrell Foundation (JFK Archive)
- Matt Ehret
- Matthew Russell Lee (Inner City Press)
- Michael A. Hoffman II
- Mint Press News
- Mises Institute
- Moon of Alabama
- Neighborhood News Studio
- Neo Feudalism
- Off-Guardian
- Paul Cudenec
- Pepe Escobar (Asia Times)
- Pepe Escobar (The Cradle)
- Peter Dale Scott
- Press For Truth
- Probably Alexandra
- Project Veritas
- Ray McGovern
- Really Graceful (Video)
- Richard Gage 911
- Richard Grove (Grand Theft World)
- Richard Poe
- Rising Tide Foundation
- Ryan Matters (New Brave World)
- Scientists for 9/11 Truth
- Servando Gonzalez
- Sharyl Attkisson
- Shaun Attwood (Videos)
- Simplicus The Thinker
- Some Bitch I Know (L)
- South Front
- Steve Kirsch
- Stop World Control
- Techno Fog
- The Cogent (Dustin Broadbery)
- The Duran
- The Last Refuge
- The Meta Dream Journal
- The Neo-Feudal Review
- The New Atlas (Land Destroyer Report)
- The Phoenix Enigma
- The Schiller Institute
- Through A Glass Darkly (Cynthia Chung)
- Tom Stalcup
- Trial Site News
- Trine Day Publishing
- Unity of the Polis (Kevin Cole)
- Vanessa Beeley
- Wall Street On Parade
- Watts Up With That
- Web of Debt (Ellen Brown)
- What About The Roads
- Whitney Webb (Unlimited Hangout)
- Winter Christian (Terry Wolfe)
- Winter Oak (Paul Cudenec)
- Wrench in the Gears (Alison McDowell)
- Yaacov Apelbaum
If You Find This Helpful, Please Consider
Current Events
- America's Frontline Doctors
- AntiWar.Com
- Babylon Bee
- Children's Health Defense - The Defender
- China Digital Times
- Chris Hedges
- Consortium News
- Counter Signal (Canada)
- Covert Action Magazine
- Daily Sceptic (UK)
- David Knight
- Deadline
- Defence Blog
- Del Bigtree
- Dr. Joseph P. Farrell (Giza Death Star)
- Dr. Peter McCullough
- Farmers Letters
- France 24
- Freedom's Phoenix
- Glenn Greenwald
- Information Liberation
- InfoWars
- Jimmy Dore
- John Helmer (Moscow)
- Just The News
- Last American Vagabond (Ryan Cristián)
- Lifesite News
- Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change)
- Marty Armstrong
- Mel K
- Natural Health News
- Numbers USA
- Open Secrets
- Peak Prosperity
- Promethean Action
- Reclaim The Net
- Reclaim The Net
- Red Ice TV
- Revolver News
- Solari Report (Catherine Austin Fitts)
- Sputnik (Russia)
- Stew Peters
- Technocracy News
- The Frugalite
- The Gray Zone
- The Organic Prepper
- The Quartering
- The Remnant
- Timcast
- Vigilant Citizen
- Who What Why (Founded by Russ Baker)
- Winter Watch (Russ Winter)
Psychopath Organizations
- American Civil Liberties Union
- Anti-Defamation League
- Archimedes Labs
- Aspen Security Forum
- Atlantic Council
- Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
- BEI Resources
- Berggruen Institute
- Better Than Cash Alliance
- Bilderberg Meetings
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Blackrock
- C40
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service
- Carnegie Corporation
- Catholic Relief Services
- Center for a New American Security
- Center For American Progress
- Center for Global Development
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Centre For Information Resilience
- Climate and Land Use Alliance
- Clinton Foundation
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Crown Agents
- CTI League
- Daily KOS
- Democracy Alliance
- Fabian Society
- Gatestone Institute
- Healthy Democracy
- Humpty Dumpty Institute
- ID 2020 (Digital Identity Alliance)
- Institute for the Study of War
- International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
- Justice Democrats
- Kodama Systems
- Legatum
- Marxists
- Marxists
- Media Matters For America
- Mellon Foundation
- MI6
- Milken Family Foundation
- Mossad
- Movement for Black Lives
- Municipalism
- National Endowment for Democracy
- National League of Cities
- New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
- Open Society Foundations
- Organization for Security & Co-operation in Europe
- Property of the People (Left Dialectic CoIntelPro)
- Public Democracy Los Angeles
- Public Intelligence (DeepState COG CoIntelPro)
- Represent Us
- Revolutionary Communist Party
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Santa Fe Institute
- Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
- Standard & Poors ESG Evaluation
- Stanford Virality Project
- Sunrise Movement
- Technocracy Incorporated
- The Aspen Institute
- The Council for Inclusive Capitalism
- The Cynefin
- The Federal Union
- The Inter-Parliamentary Union
- The Quincy Institute
- The Rhodes Project
- The Rockefeller Foundation
- The Rothschild Archive
- The Southern Poverty Law Center
- The Sparrow Project (Left Dialectic CoIntelPro)
- The Trilateral Commission
- The Wilson Center
- United Nations
- Wellcome Trust
- World Economic Forum
- Yale Environment 360
- Yale School of the Environment
- After Skool
- American System Now
- American Thinker
- American Thinker
- An0maly (Video)
- Ann Barnhardt
- Ann Coulter
- Black Pigeon Speaks (Felix Rex Video)
- C.J. Hopkins
- Cadian Patriot Press
- Caitlin Johnstone
- Charles C. Johnson
- Children of Job (Jasun Horsley)
- Compact Magazine
- Cultural Husbandry
- Curtis Yarvin (Mencius Moldbug)
- Devon Stack (Black Pilled)
- Diana West
- Dr. Taylor Marshall
- James Delingpole
- James Lindsay (New Discourses)
- Jared Taylor
- John Derbyshire (Radio Derb)
- John Zmirak
- JP Sears (Awaken With JP)
- Maajid Nawaz
- Mark Crispin Miller
- Mark Passio (What On Earth Is Happening)
- Michelle Malkin
- Mike Cernovich
- N.S. Lyons
- Neil Oliver
- Peter Sweden
- Piece of Mindful
- PsyOp Cinema (Podcast)
- Raging Dissident
- Riva Tez
- Robert W Malone MD, MS
- Roosh V
- Ryan Long Comedy
- Stefan Molyneux (Free Domain Podcasts)
- Steve Sailer
- Taki Mag
- The Cogent (Dustin Broadbery)
- The Conscious Resistance (Derrick Broze)
- The Dark Enlightenment, by Nick Land
- The Pipeline
- Tommy Carrigan (TPC)
- Unheard (London)
- Vox Day
- Weaponized News
Edge Lords
RSS Feeds
- 21st Century Wire
- Aaron Maté
- Activist Post
- Adapt 2030 (David DuByne - Video)
- Addy Adds
- After Skool
- Alex Berenson
- An0maly (Video)
- ANC Report
- Andy Ngo
- Anti-Empire
- Anton Chaitkin's SubStack
- Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Armstrong Economics (Martin Armstrong)
- Art of Liberty (Etienne de la Boetie²)
- Awaken with JP (JP Sears - Video)
- Babylon Bee
- Bill Taylor (D-State Analytics)
- Bill Taylor (D-State News)
- Black Pigeon Speaks (Felix Rex Video)
- Borderhawk News
- Brass Balls Blog (Harry the Greek)
- Brendon O'Connell (Video)
- Bullet Proof Publications
- Bulletproof Publishers
- Caitlin Johnstone
- California Globe
- Canadian Patriot Press (Video)
- Capitol Sheila
- Cathy O'Brien
- Celia Farber
- Center For Immigration Studies
- Charles C. Johnson
- Children of Job (Jasun Horsley)
- Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr.)
- China Digital Times
- Chris Hedges
- Compact Magazine
- Computing Forever (Dave Cullen - Video)
- Computing Forever (Dave Cullen - Video)
- Conscious Revolution (Derrick Broze)
- Consortium News
- Cool Tools (Kevin Kelly)
- Corey's Digs
- Counter Signal (Canada)
- Covert Action Magazine
- Cultural Husbandry
- Daily Sceptic (UK)
- Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt - Video)
- David Icke
- David Knight
- Deadline
- Defence Blog
- Diana West
- Doc Kek 🐸
- Dr. Berg
- Dr. Paul Cottrell
- Dr. Peter McCullough
- Dr. Robert Malone
- Dr. Ryan N. Cole (Pathologist)
- Dr. Taylor Marshall (Podcast)
- E. Michael Jones Live
- Eric J. Hecker (Deciphering TV)
- Eva Bartlett
- Farmers Letters
- Fleccas Talks (Video)
- France 24
- Free Thought Project
- Freedom's Phoenix
- Gareth Icke
- Geopolitics and Empire
- George Webb
- Giza Death Star (Dr. Joseph P. Farrell)
- Glenn Greenwald
- Global Research
- Grand Theft World
- Greg Reece
- Herding Humanity
- Hidden History Center
- Iain Davis (In This Together)
- If Americans Knew (Israel/Palestine)
- Information Liberation
- InfoWars (Alex Jones)
- Innercity Press (Matthew Russell Lee)
- Institute for Historical Review
- Jack Cashill
- James Delingpole
- James Lindsay (New Discourses)
- James Roguski
- James True
- Jared Taylor
- Jason Bermas
- Jay Dyer
- Jay Dyer's Globalist Books Audio Feed
- Jeremy Hammond
- Jessica Hockett (Emma Woodhouse)
- Jimmy Dore (Video)
- John Beaudoin (Coquin de Chien)
- John Helmer (Moscow)
- John Zmirak
- Jonathan Couey (Gigaohm Biological)
- Just The News
- Lauren Southern (Video)
- Lee Stranahan (Video)
- Lies Are Unbecoming
- Lifesite News
- Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson
- Mark Crispin Miller
- Mark Kulacz (Housatonic ITS - Video)
- Mark Kulacz (Housatonic Substack)
- Mark Kulacz (Substack)
- Mark Passio (What OnEarth Is Happening)
- Mark Skidmore (Lighthouse Economics)
- Matthew Crawford (Rounding the Earth)
- Matthew Ehret
- McDuff (John O'Loughlin - Video)
- Mel K
- Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History (Podcast)
- Michael Tracy
- Mint Press News
- Mises Institute
- Moon of Alabama
- Natural Health News
- Neil Oliver
- Neo Feudalism
- Not A Rubicon (GMRS Radio - Video)
- Numbers USA
- Off-Guardian
- Patrick Lancaster (Video)
- Paul Cudenec
- Peak Prosperity
- Pepe Escobar (Asia Times)
- Peter Sweden
- Piece of Mindful
- Preppers Daily News
- Press For Truth
- Probably Alexandra (Video)
- Project Veritas
- Promethean Action
- PsyOp Cinema (Podcast)
- Public Intelligence (DeepState COG CoIntelPro)
- Raging Dissident (Jeremy MacKenzie - Video)
- Ray McGovern
- Really Graceful (Video)
- Red Ice TV
- Richard Gage 911
- Richard Poe
- Rising Tide Foundation
- Riva Tez
- Robert Edward Grant
- Ron Paul Institute
- Roosh V
- RT (Russia Today)
- Ryan Long Comedy (Video)
- Ryan Matters (New Brave World)
- Sharryl Attkisson
- Shaun Attwood
- Simplicus The Thinker
- Sound Investigations
- South Front (Russian)
- Sputnik (Russia)
- Stefan Molyneux (Free Domain Podcasts)
- Steve Kirsch
- Steve Sailer
- Stew Peters
- Stop World Control
- Taki Mag
- Techno Fog
- Technocracy News
- The Cogent (Dustin Broadbery)
- The Corbett Report
- The Duran
- The Ethical Sceptic
- The Frugalite
- The Gray Zone
- The Last American Vagabond
- The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse)
- The Neo-Feudal Review
- The New Atlas (Land Destroyer Report)
- The Organic Prepper
- The Phoenix Enigma
- The Pipeline (Michael Walsh)
- The Quartering
- The Remnant
- The Schiller Institute
- Through A Glass Darkly (Cynthia Chung)
- Tim Pool
- Tommy Carrigan (TPC - Video)
- Trial Site News
- Truthstream Media
- Unheard (London)
- Unlimited Hangout (Whitney Webb)
- Vanessa Beeley
- Vigilant Citizen
- Viva Frei (Video)
- Wall Street On Parade
- Watts Up With That
- We Are Change (Luke Rudkowski -Video)
- Weaponized News
- Web of Debt (Ellen Brown)
- What About The Roads
- Who What Why (Founded by Russ Baker)
- Winter Christian (Terry Wolfe)
- Winter Oak (Paul Cudenec)
- Winter Watch (Russ Winter)
- Wrench in the Gears (Alison McDowell)
- Yaacov Apelbaum