Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom

Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom

Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom by Norman G. Finkelstein offers a compelling analysis of the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, a territory marked by severe population density, a majority refugee populace, and frequent military operations. Drawing from extensive human rights reports, Finkelstein meticulously investigates the sequence of events from 2004 onwards, where Israel's numerous assaults have led to massive civilian casualties and widespread destruction under the guise of self-defense. Through his critical examination, Finkelstein argues these actions not only violated international law but were also poorly countered by global human rights bodies, which, he suggests, failed to uphold justice in the face of political pressures.

Critical Reception:
Praised for its in-depth research and critical approach, the book has received acclaim from scholars and critics alike. Noam Chomsky lauds the study for its unique depth and analytical rigor. The Intercept emphasizes the necessity of considering Finkelstein's evidence in any discourse about Gaza. With its thorough documentation, including archival sources, the book challenges mainstream media narratives and provides a robust scholarly perspective on the ongoing conflict and blockade in Gaza.

Reader Impact:
Readers have found "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom" to be an enlightening resource that cuts through prevailing propaganda with factual precision. Finkelstein’s exhaustive research and accessible writing style make this work a crucial read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of the Gaza conflict beyond mainstream coverage. It serves not only as a historical record but as an act of resistance against the oblivion of historical atrocities.

Norman Finkelstein’s "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom" is an essential read for policymakers, scholars, and the general public interested in the realities of the Gaza Strip’s ongoing struggles. It stands out as a profound contribution to understanding and potentially rectifying the injustices faced by Gaza’s population. This book is an indispensable tool for fostering a more informed and compassionate global dialogue about Gaza.


From the Inside Flap:
"This is the voice I listen for, when I want to learn the deepest reality about Jews, Zionists, Israelis, and Palestinians. Norman Finkelstein is surely one of the forty honest humans the Scripture alludes to who can save 'Sodom' (our Earth) by pointing out, again and again, the sometimes soul-shriveling but unavoidable Truth. There is no one like him today, but in my bones I know this incredible warrior for Humanity and Justice is an archetype that has always been. And will always be. Small comfort in these dark times, perhaps, but a comfort I am deeply grateful for."—Alice Walker, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award for The Color Purple

"As a modern-day Sisyphus, rolling the heavy boulder up the hill of disinformation, Norman Finkelstein does not waver in his determination to take it to the crest. Although a non-lawyer, he masters the legal issues, the Geneva Conventions, ICJ advisory opinions, UN resolutions, and commission reports, weaving them into a compelling narrative, an articulate appeal for justice, a protest against the moral cop-out of the international community. Finkelstein refutes the Big Lie and many arcane little lies about Gaza and Palestine. A scholarly manual for every politician and every person concerned with human rights."—Alfred de Zayas, Professor of Law, Geneva School of Diplomacy, and UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order

"Norman Finkelstein, probably the most serious scholar on the conflict in the Middle East, has written an excellent book on Israel’s invasions of Gaza. Its comprehensive examination of both the facts and the law of these assaults provides the most authoritative account of this brutal history."—John Dugard, Emeritus Professor of Public International Law, Leiden University, and former Special Rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 2001-2008

"No scholar has done more to shed light on Israel’s ruthless treatment of the Palestinians than Norman Finkelstein. In Gaza, he meticulously details Israel’s massacres of the Palestinians in that tiny enclave during Operations Cast Lead and Protective Edge, while demolishing the myths Israel and its supporters have invented to disguise these shocking events.”—John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago

“This is an exceptional, singular work that will stand as a vital contribution to the literature on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Middle East politics, while also securing an essential place in the fields of international and human rights law. Gaza is an indispensable resource for scholars, jurists, policy makers, and diplomats alike. A landmark.”—Sara Roy, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University

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