Rape of the Constitution; Death of Freedom

Rape of the Constitution; Death of Freedom

As you journey through this passage, this may well be the most important single Journal you will ever read. It is of physical importance and impacts your soul growth tremendously, that which you do in this cycle of experience. I urge you to set aside confusion as to source of information; it is the truth which shall set you free and you need not balance with source to hear truth and see that which is coming upon you. You want mystical answers, read in the stars and handed down by the prophets. If you do not set forth to put your nations, your populace and your Constitutional rights into security--the rest remains moot.

If you allow your freedom to be taken in your dawdling and ponderings, you have naught left with which to function except as enslaved masses. This book is not pleasant--it was not written for entertainment; you are on the edge of the abyss in your nation and the "anti-Christ", of which you have waited, is upon you.

Rarely are things as you expect or at first perceive for it is the way of the enemy of Godness. You ask and again ask, "What can I do? Herein we tell you that which you can do--it remains up to you if you will take action or continue to quibble over who's who is what! The time for letting "someone else" do of your work is finished--you will stand forth and participate in the journey of God or you will be passed by and so be it.

If you have been reading the Journals, you are ready for this one.

If not, I suggest you get right at it. If you are not yet ready and you have partaken of them--go forth and study them again. God will set the banquet of knowledge before you--he will not force it down thy throats.

About the Book
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