Getting Us Into War

Getting Us Into War

This is a curated and comprehensive collection of the most important works covering matters related to national security, diplomacy, defense, war, strategy, and tactics. The collection spans centuries of thought and experience and includes the latest analysis of international threats, both conventional and asymmetric. It also includes riveting first-person accounts of historic battles and wars.

Some of the books in this Series are reproductions of historical works preserved by some of the leading libraries in the world. As with any reproduction of a historical artifact, some of these books contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. These books are essential to this collection and the study of war and have therefore brought them back into print, despite these imperfections.

We hope you enjoy this collection's unmatched breadth and depth, from the historical to the just-published works.

The making of this book has been the part-time avocation of a man past the university retirement age, who finds twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, too brief a time to carry on his regular work of publishing, maintaining an advisory service for schools, and helping to solve the educational problems of over a thousand families yearly. The reading and the research have been done chiefly when honest men were in bed and others in nightclubs. The compilation was dictated in snatches in intervals of a busy day, fitted to the limits of a stencil, and mailed out still moist.

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